From necessity to blissful delight...


O - O - O - O - O


Long weekend in Canada, and a first time dining outside

Last Saturday, we had dinner on Eric's and Audrey's terrasse, with a couple of friends, among them Frédéric, a long lost buddy from mine and Eric's days in graphic design at UQAM. Good, good times! We laughed so much I cried. Wine was good, company too.

On the menu : polish squewers and chicken drumsticks on the grill, greek salad and green and red salad, with mayonnaise-like dressing, and almond cake with flambéed cherries. «Life is hard...», Éric ironised, while contemplating all the food on the kitchen counter.

Salade fraîcheur - Green and red salad

A mix of romaine lettuce and red leaf lettuce (1 to 2 heads, depending on the size)
About 1 cup of red cabbage, minced
2-3 libanese cucumbers, chopped
1 bunch of aspargus, washed, base discarded and cut in 4 pieces, then blanched 3 minutes and immediately plunged in chilled water to cool, then drained
1 can of whole palm hearts, rince in cold water and cut in rounds
Vinaigrette crémeuse - Mayo-like dressing

Vinaigrette crémeuse - Creamy mayo-like dressing
Adapted from Coup de Pouce, vol. 5, no 2, 1990

1 large egg yolk
1 tbsp Dijon mustard, or more to taste
1 tsp salt
3/4 to 1 cup of light olive oil
1/4 cup red wine vinegar, or xeres vinegar
1-2 tbsp fresh lemon juice, to taste
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

In a small bowl, whisk together the egg yolk, mustard and salt. Let the mix warm up at room temperature, about 5 minutes. This will ensure an easy (and successfull) emulsion.

Slowly whisk in the oil, drop to drop almost. But as soon as you feel that the mayonnaise has hold, it is possible to add good quantities of oil, and whisk it in nicely, without being afraid of everything going flat.

Once the mayonnaise is up and nice, add the vinegar in 2 or 3 additions, whisking between each. Add the lemon juice and see the mayonnaise becoming paler, almost white. Finish it by incorporating the garlic. If you want a dressing a little more on the liquid side, simply add a little water and mix well.

More to come tomorrow : the dessert recipe.

It was REALLY good.

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