From necessity to blissful delight...


O - O - O - O - O


This blog is the english version of Mille et un festins, a foodblog that I started a couple of weeks ago. I will try to keep up with the original so the two will be more or less to par.

My english is rather good, but far from perfect. You will have to be indulgent with me as I will certainly make many mistakes. Feel free to gently comment and suggest corrections.

As for myself, I am a non professionnal cook cooking with an attitude, and eating and drinking with gusto. My motto is «Life is to short to eat or drink bad things», so I treat myself and the ones I love to meals, simple or fabulous, festive and colorful. I own quite a lot of cookbooks : they are as precious to me as my best novels, I love to immerse myself in them, almost smelling and tasting the meals as I prepare them in my mind.

I also travel quite often, and my trips are always planned and lived around food and wine, the people related to their preparation, the fields where everything grows, the way to enjoy food more. Photography also has always been a passion of mine; it is a great way to express creativity, to keep souvenirs, to record experiences, such as traveling and cooking.

This blog is a way to share what I like, what I eat, what I feed the people around me.
